Francia: New Administrative Capital to house French universities

Francia/Octubre de 2017/Fuente: Egypt Today


El Ministro de Educación Superior e Investigación Científica, Khaled Abdel Ghaffar, y el Ministro francés de Educación Superior, Investigación e Innovación, Frédérique Vidal, abordaron el jueves el establecimiento de sucursales de universidades francesas en la nueva capital administrativa.

Durante una reunión en el Ministerio francés de Educación Superior, Investigación e Innovación en París, Abdel Ghaffar afirmó la importancia de la cooperación científica y cultural entre Egipto y Francia mediante el aumento del intercambio estudiantil y la investigación científica conjunta en los campos del desarrollo y la educación profesional.

Ambas partes discutieron varios asuntos, entre ellos el establecimiento de la casa de Egipto en el campus de la Universidad francesa en París.

Higher Education and Scientific Research Minister Khaled Abdel Ghaffar and French Minister for Higher Education, Research and Innovation Frédérique Vidal tackled Thursday establishing branches of French universities in the new administrative capital.

During a meeting at the French Ministry of Higher Education, Research and Innovation in Paris, Abdel Ghaffar affirmed the importance of scientific and cultural cooperation between Egypt and France through the increase of student exchange and joint scientific research in the fields of development and vocational education.

Both sides discussed several issues, among them the establishment of the Egypt house on campus the French University in Paris.

They also probed how to transform the French University in Egypt to an Egyptian-French university in order to increase the current number of students from 500 students to 3000 by 2027 and establish a specialized scientific research center there to attract Francophone students from African countries.

Vidal pointed out that the cooperation with Cairo, Ain Shams, Alexandria universities will be intensified in the coming period to benefit from the French expertise in the area of higher education and scientific research.


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