Vietnan: New curriculum to give students more practical experience

Vietnan/Enero de 2018/Fuente: Vietnan News

Resumen:  Bajo el borrador del nuevo plan de estudios, se espera que los estudiantes de secundaria tengan más experiencia fuera de la escuela y creativa, en lugar de solo teoría.

El borrador de la lista de materias de la escuela secundaria bajo el nuevo plan de estudios estará abierto para la opinión pública este mes, dijo a la prensa Nguyễn Minh Thuyết, editor en jefe del nuevo plan de estudios para la reforma educativa integral del Ministerio de Educación y Capacitación.

Con respecto a la literatura, la asignatura se centrará en el desarrollo de la lectura, la escritura, el habla y la escucha de los alumnos. Los alumnos ya no tendrán que aprender «ensayos de ejemplo» de memoria, sino que se los alienta a expresar sus propios puntos de vista, ideas y creatividad.

Under the draft new curriculum, secondary students are expected to have more out-of-school and creative experience, rather than only theory.

The draft list of secondary school subjects under the new curriculum will be open for public opinion this month, Nguyễn Minh Thuyết, chief editor of the new curriculum for comprehensive education reform of the Ministry of Education and Training, told the press.

Regarding literature, the subject will focus on developing reading, writing, speaking and listening for pupils. Pupils will no longer have to learn “example essays” by rote, but are encouraged to express their own viewpoints, ideas and creativeness.

Đỗ Đức Thái, head of the compiling board for math, said that the new math will be streamlined, focusing on developing a learner’s capacity. Learners will have more time to carry out experience and creative activities, such as educational projects with the application of math in reality or math-related games.

The new curriculum will include compulsory practical activities for pupils to experience. Activities for primary schools will focus on developing their life skills, soft skills, relationships with friends, teachers and family. Meanwhile, secondary education will focus on activities for social and community services and job-oriented activities.

History will be taught following the historical process of the country and the history of Việt Nam will be incorporated into world history during each period, and not separated, as usual.

The foreign language subject has yet been completed and will be announced later.


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