Zimbabwe: Swahili, Portuguese and Mandarin in new education curriculum

África/Zimbabwe/05 Junio 2016/Fuente: The Heral/Autor: Melody Mashaire

Resumen: El Gobierno ha introducido mandarín, suahili, portugués y francés en el nuevo plan de estudios de la enseñanza primaria y secundaria. El Ministro de Educación Primaria y Secundaria Dr. Lázaro Dokora anuncio que el nuevo plan de estudios está en sus etapas iniciales, ya que se está preparando y se pondra  a prueba este año.

Government has introduced Mandarin, Swahili, Portuguese and French in the new primary and secondary education curriculum.

Addressing delegates at a stakeholders’ meeting yesterday, the Minister of Primary and Secondary Education Dr Lazarus Dokora said the new curriculum was at its initial stages as it was being prepared and piloted this year.

«The ministry is going to introduce foreign languages in the new curriculum which include French, Swahili, Chinese, and Portuguese in schools.

«Ministry of Primary and Secondary Education undertook a process of updating the Commission of Inquiry into Education and Training (CIET) recommendations in the context of a curriculum review process beginning October 2014.

«The Ministry then developed a Zero Draft Curriculum Framework for Primary and Secondary Education to guide learning and teaching during the next seven years from 2015 to 2022. The New Curriculum Framework was approved by Cabinet on 22 September 2015,» he said.

Fuente de la noticia:http://allafrica.com/stories/201606010307.html

Fuente de la imagen:https://www.newsday.co.zw/wp-content/uploads/2015/09/lazarus-dokora2-1.png

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