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#KuToo. la rebelión de las mujeres en Japón contra la obligación de llevar los zapatos de tacón en el trabajo

Asia/Japón/13 Junio 2019/Fuente: BBC

Yumi Ishikawa, una escritora y actriz de Tokio de 32 años, decidió en enero acabar con una norma no escrita que la afectaba en su día a día laboral.

La chica, que trabajaba en una funeraria, asegura que la obligaban a llevar tacones de entre 5 y 7 centímetros, lo que le provocaba dolores.

Y decidió denunciarlo en las redes sociales.

Sus tuits sobre la cuestión se volvieron virales: más de 30.000 personas los compartieron.

Ishikawa lo llevó más allá y decidió iniciar una campaña digital para que las empresas no pudiesen exigir a sus trabajadoras que llevasen tacón en el lugar de trabajo.

Y la petición ya cuenta con más de 27.000 firmas de apoyo (y subiendo).

En un guiño al movimiento #MeToo, esta campaña lleva por nombre #KuToo, un juego con las palabras ‘kutsu’, que significa ‘zapato’, y ‘kutsuu’, que significa ‘dolor’.

Aunque no se trata de una norma escrita, los activistas aseguran que en Japón el uso de tacones se considera obligatorio, por ejemplo, al solicitar puestos de trabajo.

Ishikawa, que en su foto de Twitter aparece con unas cómodas deportivas, afirmó: «Espero que esta campaña modifique la norma social para que no se considere de mala educación que las mujeres lleven zapatos planos como los hombres».

«La gente debe darse cuenta de que esto es discriminación sexual. Necesitamos enojarnos por esto. Pero nos enseñaron a vivir así durante muchos años», añadió.

La chica entregó la petición con casi 19.000 miles de firmas al Ministerio de Salud y Trabajo japonés, el encargado de las reformas laborales, la semana pasada.

Y aunque explicó que se había reunido con un funcionario que se mostró «comprensivo» con la petición, el ministro de Sanidad japonés, Takumi Nemoto, hizo unas declaraciones que no ayudan a su causa.

Al preguntarle su parecer sobre la campaña iniciada por Ishikawa, Nemoto aseguró que el uso de tacones por parte de las mujeres en el trabajo a veces es «necesario y apropiado«.

El ministro hizo estos comentarios en la misma comisión parlamentaria en la que el legislador Kanako Otsuji sugirió que estos convencionalismos están «desactualizados», según informa la agencia de noticias Kyodo News.


No es la primera vez que se lanza una campaña para cambiar los códigos de vestimenta en el trabajo para las mujeres, y algunas incluso han tenido éxito.

La británica Nicola Thorp inició una petición para que se cambiaran los códigos de vestimenta en Reino Unido después de que la compañía financiera PwC le pidiera que llevase tacones.

Thorp, que tenía un contrato temporal, se negó a cumplir con el código de vestimenta. Después de que su caso llegase a los medios de comunicación, la empresa de subcontratación Portico anunció que sus trabajadoras podrían «llevar zapatos planos» con efecto inmediato.

Mientras, en Canadá,la provincia de la Columbia Británica eliminó el código que exige que las empleadas lleven tacones, ya que aseguraron que las mujeres que los usan corren el riesgo de sufrir lesiones físicas por resbalones o caídas, además de posibles daños en los pies, las piernas y la espalda.


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Why education must keep pace with technology to stay relevant

The information-technology revolution over the last few decades represents the latest development in the innate desire of humankind throughout its history to thrive at an optimal level through the use of technology.

We now take for granted instant access to information anywhere on the planet, and the pace of advancement shows no sign of abating. Technology confined to the realms of science fiction and futuristic fantasy not that long ago is now embedded in our everyday life and is unfolding at a rapid pace.

The new kids on the block — artificial intelligence, big data with data log via AI, the “internet of things,” robotics and so forth — are even pushing us past the information-technology era. Self-driving cars, drones, artificial interpreters and care robots are just a few already in practical use.

As always, advancements bring challenges, not least of all in the field of education. Education has to keep pace with technology and utilize its benefits at the grassroots level — or risk creating a disparity between the classroom and the real world.

A working group under the umbrella of the Cabinet secretariat’s education reform council, of which I am a member, focuses on education innovation using advanced technology. The group meets every three or four weeks to discuss strategies to meet these challenges. One area of development that excites me is the possibility of producing personal records for each student containing their learning history. Using AI technology, such records could include continuous evaluations, achievements, health condition and more, from elementary to secondary and even to higher education.

Analyzing such information holds great potential. Students, for instance, could be offered a personalized study plan with suggested content identified to address their weaknesses as well as programs for improving their established strengths. A student who demonstrates manual dexterity could be made aware of that and guided into pathways leading to fulfilling opportunities in such fields as craftwork. A student with exceptional social skills could be made aware of possible careers in sales or services.

Such information could be particularly useful when choosing a field of study in higher education, and ultimately one’s career. Until now, university admission has been mainly determined by fixed points of observation and evaluation through testing. However, the method would enable an approach to observe students continually over a sustained period of time, helping to create a custom-made program for a student’s particular strengths and passions.

This continuous recording or portfolio approach could also be useful for businesses and improve the function of their human resources departments as they decide where best to place their newly employed college graduates.

The son of one of my friends recently quit his job two years after being appointed to the general affairs department because his strengths and personality were not suited for such a post. This had a devastating impact on his confidence and self-esteem.

This is not a rare case. Many high school students are advised to apply for any field of study in higher education depending on the level of their academic scores. It is not unusual for a student to apply for law at one university, economics at another, literature at yet another and even education at a fourth. Evaluating a personal portfolio record with AI would thankfully make this kind of practice in university admission a thing of the past.

Another area where technology can bring about dramatic and significant changes is with regard to resources made available to students at schools. Up until now, textbooks have been the main and almost only resource being used in classrooms. But technology offers a huge range of resources such as apps, YouTube videos and other online content. All of these can support students to have deeper and broader understanding in their learning.

Of course the proliferation of such resources requires that a new set of critical thinking skills should be developed; new and constantly changing information must be critically appraised for trustworthiness and appropriateness.

It is inconceivable that any school utilizing new technology would not have the support of IT engineers or technicians. Installing apps to support downloading resources, managing and running servers for information, sharing information with students to provide a network that respects privacy, and so on, means the work will be extensive. The support of IT sectors should be requested so that engineers would be dispatched to help such work at public schools.

The government should not be tempted to order schools to use teachers to take on IT roles of any kind in addition to their teaching task. It is no secret that teachers at Japanese public schools work notoriously long hours, in fact more than in any other OECD country. Implementation of advanced technology for education requires specialist skills, which take years to develop.

It is essential that manpower is made available to provide material for teachers to use in the classroom. The material should be derived from a wide array of resources and follow the national curriculums for every grade.

If this manpower cannot be provided, then a solid resource database updated almost daily can be provided for teachers to use. Teachers should be able to scan the database with ease and choose the content suitable for their class to use.

The challenge is to bring the latest technology effectively into schools and at the same time allow teachers to concentrate on the important job for which they are trained: nurture and care for our future generations

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Japan: Discipline or treatment? Schools rethinking vaping response

Asia/ Japan/ 27.05.2019/ Source:

A glimpse of student athletes in peak physical condition vaping just moments after competing in a football game led Stamford High School Principal Raymond Manka to reconsider his approach to the epidemic.

His school traditionally has emphasized discipline for those caught with e-cigarettes. Punishments become increasingly severe with each offense, from in-school suspensions to out-of-school suspensions and, eventually, notification of law enforcement.

But Manka began thinking about it more as an addiction problem, and less of a behavior issue, after seeing the two players from another school vaping near their bus. “It broke my heart,” said Manka, whose school is now exploring how to offer cessation programs for students caught vaping or with vaping paraphernalia.

“We’ve got to figure out how we can help these kids wean away from bad habits that might hurt their body or their mind or otherwise create behaviors that can create habits that will be harmful for the remainder of their lives,” he said.

Schools elsewhere have been wrestling with how to balance discipline with prevention and treatment in their response to the soaring numbers of vaping students.

Using e-cigarettes, often called vaping, has now overtaken smoking traditional cigarettes in popularity among students, says the Centers for Disease Control and Prevention. Last year, one in five U.S. high school students reported vaping the previous month, according to a CDC survey .

E-cigarettes produce an aerosol by heating a liquid that usually contains high levels of nicotine — the addictive drug in regular cigarettes and other tobacco products — flavorings and other chemicals. Users inhale this aerosol into their lungs; when they exhale, bystanders often breathe it in too.

Compared with regular cigarettes, the research on the health effects of e-cigarettes is painfully thin. Experts say that although using e-cigarettes appears less harmful over the long run than smoking regular cigarettes, that doesn’t mean they’re safe — particularly for youth, young adults, pregnant women or adults who do not currently use tobacco products.

“Studies have shown that e-cigarette use among young people is potentially associated with an increased risk of progressing on to cigarette use and to vaping cannabis, which has become increasingly common in recent years,” said Dr. Renee Goodwin, a researcher and professor of epidemiology at the City University of New York and Columbia University who studies tobacco and cannabis use.

Besides nicotine, e-cigarettes can include other harmful substances, including heavy metals like lead and cancer-causing agents. The vaping liquid is often offered in a variety of flavors that appeal to youth and is packaged in a way that makes them attractive to children. And the long-term health effects, Goodwin noted, are unknown.

Experts say the CDC classifies e-cigarettes as a tobacco product, and many schools lump vaping in with tobacco use in applying codes of conduct, treating offenses similarly.

In Connecticut alone, administrators dealt with 2,160 incidents in which students were caught vaping or with vaping paraphernalia in violation of school policies during the 2017-18 school year, up from 349 two years earlier. The schools issued 1,465 in-school suspensions and 334 out-of-school suspensions, according to the state Education Department.

Nationwide, some schools have removed bathroom stall doors or placed monitors outside of restrooms to check students in and out. Others have installed humidity detectors that sound an alarm when vapor clouds are detected.

Lawmakers are beginning to show similar concerns. Oklahoma has passed legislation to ban vaping on school property, and a dozen states have passed legislation to increase the age for smoking and vaping to 21.

Nevertheless, some school districts have begun taking a more comprehensive approach by emphasizing treatment and prevention.

The Conejo Valley Unified School District in Southern California recently shifted from suspending students for a first offense to sending them to a four-hour Saturday class on the marketing and health dangers of vaping. A second offense results in a one-or-two-day suspension coupled with several weeks of a more intensive six-week counseling program that includes parents.

“I think we are seeing quite a bit of success, basing it on the reduction this year in both the number of incidents reported on campus and the number of suspensions,” said Luis Lichtl, the district’s assistant superintendent.

“The schools that seem to be most effective are those that are of course enforcing their disciplinary code — they can’t do otherwise — but are using that as the floor and not the ceiling,” said Bob Farrace, a spokesman for the National Association of Secondary School Principals.

Linda Richter, an expert on vaping and adolescent substance use who works at the New York-based Center on Addiction, suggests that schools provide information about the health consequences and how companies have manipulated students to use vaping products by making it appear fun and cool. She said that two-pronged approach led to a successful decrease in the use of traditional cigarettes.

“To expect a 13-, 14- or 15-year-old to break an addiction by yelling at them or suspending them, it’s just not going to happen,” she said. “They need help, treatment, counseling, support, education and understanding.”

Dr. J. Craig Allen, medical director at Rushford, a mental health treatment center in Meriden, said suspending teens for vaping may be counterproductive.

“If your solution is to send these kids home, what do you think they are going to be doing at home,” he said. “They are going to be taking rips off their Juul all day long to kill the time.”

Thomas Aberli, the principal at Atherton High School in Louisville, Kentucky, said it began an intensive anti-vaping education program this year with the help of the American Association of Pediatrics. Teaching teens about how vaping companies have been courting them with flavored products seems to be having an effect.

“You could tell how angry they were getting with this sense of manipulation,” he said. “That was really a turning point for us in knowing the best way to approach this problem.”

Other schools have continued to emphasize discipline in crackdowns on teen vaping.

At the Mattawan Consolidated School District just outside of Kalamazoo, Michigan, Principal Tim Eastman recently wrote to parents that students found congregating in bathrooms or parking lots will be taken to the office and searched.

“Anyone found with vaping equipment will face suspensions,” Eastman wrote. “Although this may seem extreme, the health and safety of our students is too important to ignore.”

Eastman said the school is not currently providing those caught vaping with any additional education or medical intervention, but is considering it.

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Nationwide student strike begins in Brazil over education budget cuts

South America/ Brasil/ 21.5.201/ Source:

Students and teachers from hundreds of universities and colleges across Brazil began a nationwide demonstration on Wednesday in “defense of education” following a raft of budget cuts announced by President Jair Bolsonaro’s government.

Classes were suspended in numerous establishments as demonstrations took place in 17 of Brazil’s 27 states, local media said, with particularly large ones in major cities like Sao Paulo, Rio de Janeiro, Brasilia and Belo Horizonte.

The biggest demonstrations are planned for the end of the day, though.

In the capital Brasilia, federal troops were deployed in front of the ministry of education in case of trouble.

The protest movement was sparked by Education Minister Abraham Weintraub recently slashing federal university subsidies by 30 percent.

Several chief education officers claimed the budget cuts would compromise the ability of federal universities to function, and threatened to paralyze them.

Then the sudden suspension of the payment of masters and doctorate scholarships in the sciences and human sciences last week threw oil on the fire.

“Secondary school pupils, university students, researchers, teachers and other education employees will take to the streets in every state” to protest against the budget cuts, the National Student Union (UNE) had announced on Tuesday.

Despite the cuts affecting only federal institutions, the protest movement has been joined by many private universities such as Rio’s Pontifical University, which voted last week to join the nationwide demonstration


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Malala urges G20 to boost funds for girls’ education

Asia/ Japan/ 24.04.2019/ Source:

Nobel Peace Prize-winner Malala Yousafzai Friday urged Japan and its fellow Group of 20 nations to pledge new funding for educating girls at June’s G20 summit, hosted by the Japanese.

Speaking alongside Shinzo Abe, the celebrated Pakistani education activist told Japan’s prime minister about «the importance of investing in girls now for future economic growth and global stability.»

«As the chair of this year’s G20, I hope Prime Minister Abe in Japan will lead on girls’ education and encourage all leaders to commit to new funding to prepare girls for the future of work,» she told reporters during her visit to Japan.

«I hope he can use his G20 presidency to help my sisters in Japan, G20 countries and around the world to reach their full potential because the world works better when girls go to school.»

Abe said he will take up «a society in which women shine» as one of the important topics to be discussed at the summit in Osaka in late June, Kyodo news agency reported.

Malala will deliver a keynote speech at a two-day international conference on women’s empowerment beginning Saturday in Tokyo.

Abe has been pushing for active female participation in the workforce as a key pillar of his economic policies.

«We will further promote the international trend of women’s empowerment so that Ms Malala’s activities and Japan’s efforts will generate a synergistic effect,» he said.

Malala became a global symbol for girls’ education and human rights after a gunman boarded her school bus in October 2012, asked «Who is Malala?» and shot her.

After medical treatment in the UK, she continued her vocal advocacy and became the youngest-ever person to receive the Nobel Peace Prize in 2014.


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Education on AI proposed for all university and technical college students in Japan

Asia/ Japan/ 23.04.2019/ Source:


A panel of experts has called for all university and technical college students in Japan to be given beginner-level education on artificial intelligence.

The proposal is part of a package of AI-related ideas presented by the panel at the day’s meeting of the government’s innovation promotion council, headed by Chief Cabinet Secretary Yoshihide Suga.

The proposals, released Friday, are expected to be reflected in a comprehensive innovation policy package, which will be drawn up around June, and an AI strategy, to be formulated by summer.

In Japan, some 500,000 people graduate from universities and technical colleges every year. The panel called for having all university and technical college students take beginner-level programs on math, data science and AI, and letting half acquire the skills to apply AI to their own fields of study.

It also asked the government to provide working adults with opportunities to learn such AI skills.

Aiming to beef up research and development on AI, the panel proposed the establishment of a related cooperation network with universities and other research organizations. The government was urged to strengthen its support for AI and other researchers.

With regards to areas where AI should be actively used, the panel cited the health, medical and nursing care sectors; agriculture; disaster resilience and preparedness; transport infrastructure and logistics; and regional revitalization.

The panel specifically hopes AI will be used to reduce the burden on workers in the medical and nursing care sectors, beef up safety of infrastructure at a low cost and promote so-called smart cities.

At Friday’s meeting, the government council decided seven principles that researchers and others should take into account in establishing an AI society with humans at its center, including respect for fundamental human rights, privacy protection and the creation of an environment to ensure fair competition.

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10 Datos curiosos de la educación que hicieron de Japón uno de los países más educados



En entendimos por qué todos los japoneses son tan geniales y únicos. Todo se debe a su sistema de educación, es fabuloso. Míralo tú mismo.

Los estudiantes japoneses no tienen exámenes hasta el cuarto grado de primaria (cuando cumplen 10 años), solo tienen unos test pequeños de vez en cuando. Se cree que en los primeros tres años de escuela, los conocimientos académicos no son lo más importante. Lo que sí importa es la crianza, a los niños se les inculca respetar a los demás y a los animales, ser generosos y compasivos, buscar la verdad, saber autocontrolarse y cuidar la naturaleza.

El inicio del año escolar es el 1 de abril

Cuando en la mayoría de los países los niños casi terminan el año escolar, para los niños japoneses todo apenas empieza. El inicio del año coincide con uno de los eventos más espectaculares: la floración de sakura. Así sintonizan en el modo serio. El año escolar consiste de tres trimestres: del 1 de abril al 20 de julio, del 1 de septiembre al 26 de diciembre, del 7 de enero al 25 de marzo. De esta forma los japoneses descansan 6 semanas en verano y 2 semanas en invierno y primavera.

En las escuelas japonesas no hay personal de limpieza, los mismos niños limpian todo

Los estudiantes limpian los salones, pasillos e incluso baños en turnos. Así desde la pequeña edad aprenden a trabajar en equipo y ayudarse mutuamente. Además, después de que los niños gastan tanto tiempo y esfuerzo en la limpieza, es muy poco probable que quieran ensuciar. Esto les enseña a respetar el trabajo, tanto el suyo como de los demás, así como también a ser respetuosos con el medio ambiente.

Los almuerzos son estandarizados y se comen justo en el salón con los demás compañeros de clase

En la escuela primaria y secundaria a los estudiantes se les preparan almuerzos especiales desarrollados no solo por cocineros escolares sino también por personal médico para que la comida sea saludable y útil al máximo. Todos los alumnos comen junto con su maestro en el salón. En ese ambiente informal se comunican más y crean relaciones amistosas.

La educación adicional es muy popular

Ya en la escuela primaria los niños empiezan a tomar clases privadas para poder ingresar a una buena escuela secundaria y luego, preparatoria. Las clases en esos lugares se imparten en las tardes, y en Japón es algo muy típico ver el transporte público a las 21:00 lleno de niños que se apresuran a casa después de sus clases adicionales. Los niños estudian también los domingos y en vacaciones, tomando en cuenta que un día escolar dura en promedio de 6 a 8 horas. No es de sorprender que, según las estadísticas, en Japón casi nadie repruebe el año.

Además de las clases comunes, a los niños se les enseña el arte de la caligrafía y poesía japonesa

El principio de la caligrafía japonesa, o shodo, es muy sencillo: una broncha de bambú se humedece en tinta y con trazos suaves se dibujan jeroglíficos sobre el papel de arroz. En Japón shodo se valora no menos que el arte de la pintura. Y haiku es una forma de poesía nacional que, en forma lacónica, refleja la naturaleza y al ser humano como uno solo. Ambas materias representan uno de los principios de la estética oriental: la combinación de lo sencillo y lo sofisticado. Las clases les enseñan a los niños a valorar y respetar su cultura con tradiciones centenarias.

Todos los alumnos deben usar uniforme

A partir de la escuela secundaria, cada alumno está obligado a usar uniforme. Muchas escuelas tienen sus propios modelos, pero tradicionalmente para los niños es ropa estilo militar, y para las niñas, blusas al estilo marinero. Esta regla existe para disciplinar a los estudiantes porque el simple hecho de llevar uniforme crea un ambiente más serio. También el uniforme ayuda a unir a los niños.

El porcentaje de asistencia escolar es del 99,99%

Es difícil imaginar a una persona que jamás haya faltado a clase. Pero existe una nación que básicamente nunca falta. Tampoco llegan tarde a las clases. Y el 91% de los alumnos ponen atención a lo que dicen sus maestros. ¿Qué otro país puede presumir estadísticas similares?

Los resultados del examen final lo deciden todo

Al terminar la preparatoria, los estudiantes tienen un examen final que determina si logran ingresar a alguna escuela o no. Los alumnos pueden elegir solo una universidad, la cual determinará su futuro sueldo y su nivel de vida en común. Al mismo tiempo, la competencia es muy alta: el 76% de los estudiantes siguen con sus estudios después de la escuela. Precisamente por eso en Japón existe la expresión «el infierno de exámenes».

Los años universitarios son las mejores vacaciones de la vida

No es de sorprender que después de muchos años de preparación y el «infierno de exámenes» los japoneses quieran tomar una pausa. Y resulta que la pausa cae en los años universitarios que se consideran más despreocupados y ligeros en la vida de cada japonés. El descanso es excelente antes del trabajo, y los japoneses no solo lo toman con toda la seriedad del mundo sino también con un gran amor por su vocación.

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