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EEUU: Millions of Students Are Quietly Being Taught the Koch Brothers’ Whitewashed Version of Black History

América del Norte/EEUU/ Michael Harriot

Resumen: Los maestros de ciencias sociales  en todo Estados Unidos han descubierto un recurso nuevo y emocionante que ofrece planes de lecciones, materiales de estudio e incluso seminarios dirigidos a estudiantes de primaria, secundaria y preparatoria. Las lecciones son extremadamente detalladas y vienen con sugerencias para actividades, multimedia y lectura adicional. Más importante aún, a diferencia de muchas herramientas educativas, la mayoría de estos materiales se proporcionan sin costo. Solo hay una trampa: Es un lavado de cerebro de derecha. Estos recursos gratuitos son parte de un esfuerzo del inocentemente llamado Bill of Rights Institute para lavarle el cerebro a los estudiantes y comprar la narrativa de extrema derecha sobre historia, política y economía. La organización benéfica se describe a sí misma como «una organización educativa 501 (c) (3) sin fines de lucro que trabaja para involucrar, educar y capacitar a las personas con una pasión por la libertad y la oportunidad que existen en una sociedad libre».

Cash-strapped social studies teachers across America have discovered an exciting new resource that provides lesson plans, study materials and even seminars geared toward elementary, middle and high school students.

The lessons are extremely detailed and come with suggestions for activities, multimedia and additional reading. More importantly, unlike many educational tools, most of these materials are provided free of cost. There’s only one catch: It’s right-wing brainwashing.

These free resources are part of an effort by the innocuously named Bill of Rights Institute to brainwash students into buying the far-right narrative on history, politics and economics. The charitable organization describes itself as “a 501(c)(3) nonprofit educational organization that works to engage, educate and empower individuals with a passion for the freedom and opportunity that exist in a free society.” 

What it really is, is an education arm of a network of right-wing charities funded by the ultraconservative Koch brothers in conjunction with a number of other conservative philanthropic individuals and organizations. It takes millions of dollars in donations and claims to have taught the Bill of Rights to more than 5 million students and 50,000 teachers, including directly training 22,000 educators through its constitutional seminars.

The lessons stress limited government, religious freedom, free-market economics and—worst of all—a revisionist version of the history of slavery that paints it as a necessary evil to further freedom and democracy.

Unless you’ve been hiding under a rock (which—if you have—I can’t blame you; it might offer good protection in the upcoming nuclear holocaust with North Korea), you know the Koch brothers.

Charles and David Koch are the billionaire owners of Koch Industries, the second-largest privately held company in the country. Tied at No. 8 on Forbes’ list of the richest people in the world, the brothers are worth an estimated $60 billion apiece and use their funds to further their conservative agenda.

But it is the Koch brothers’ quiet philanthropic efforts that garner them the most bang for their buck. They use foundations and corporations to funnel their money to organizations under the cover of anonymity.

Take for instance the DonorsTrust Foundation and the Donors Capital Fund. Conservative Transparency reports: The Koch network has providedDonorsTrust and Donors Capital Fund with most of its backbone; it is widely noted that DT & DCF are a part of the “Koch Network.” In 2014 (the latest year available), all but one of the contributions to the Bill of Rights Institute came from either the Charles G. Koch Charitable Foundation, DonorsTrust or the Donors Trust Capital Fund.

The Bill of Rights Institute is funded by the Koch brothers … tax-free.

So what does the Bill of Rights Institute teach?

Almost every lesson plan stresses the conservative idea of the limited role of government, best explained by this quote from the lesson on “The Limited Role of Government:”

Perhaps the most definitive limitations on government are found in the Bill of Rights. A firewall protects a computer from outside attempts to harm it, so too does the Bill of Rights guard fundamental rights, natural and civil. In fact, far from most Americans’ popular understanding of the Bill of Rights as a “giver” of rights (ask most Americans where they get their right to free speech and the answer will almost always cite the First Amendment), it is actually the “limiter” of government authority. 

According to the lesson plan titled “Health Care and the Bill of Rights,” it “focuses on the health care law from multiple constitutional perspectives.” Here are the “multiple” constitutional perspectives:

  • Religion: The lesson includes two articles examining cases where the Affordable Care Act is said to violate religious freedom.
  • Expression: Asks if it is a violation of the First Amendment to require restaurants to include calorie counts?
  • Personal Liberty: Students get to read about the ACA’s abortion coverage.
  • Criminal Procedure: How you might be criminalized if you don’t purchase health care.
  • Federalism: How Obamacare is indicative of big government.

In the lesson on Roe v. Wade, the only quote from the Supreme Court decision included in the material is from the dissenting opinion about the value of life. BRI has videos instructing teachers how to teach the Second Amendment. It selectively plucks excerpts from the Constitution to teach lessons on theDefense of Marriage Act and Affirmative Action, not to mention the very special lesson on the great Supreme Court Justice Antonin Scalia.

 But it is BRI’s view of slavery and discrimination that is most troubling. A homework help video titled “Slavery and the Road to the Civil War” was so inaccurate, it was removed from the organization’s website. To be fair, not all of the lessons are as blatant as the one that describes the raid on Harpers Ferry as: “John Brown deceived himself through self-righteousness, thinking he could end slavery in the United States by freeing and arming slaves to launch a racial war in the South.”

An extended tutorial on “Slavery and the Constitution” spends a lot of time explaining why the Founding Fathers shouldn’t be considered racists, arguing that the founders knew slavery was wrong, but they just weren’t “active enough.”

The document even contends that Jefferson included blacks in the Constitution, and cherry-picks parts of historical documents to prove that the founders “consistently worked to build a constitutional republic of liberty that equally protected the rights of all Americans.”

When students are finished with the lesson, they will have learned absolutely nothing about the inhumane torture of slavery. The chapter neglects to offer any details about the trans-Atlantic slave trade, the abolitionist movement or the plantation system. The economic impact of slavery and how it made the U.S. an economic superpower is completely ignored by BRI’s instruction.

You might think I’m joking here, but in the 3,000-plus words on the civil rights movement, there are only four black people mentioned in the chapter: Martin Luther King Jr., Rosa Parks, W.E.B. Du Bois and Thurgood Marshall. BRI mostly explains how freedom-loving Caucasians fought for equality for all by putting their lives and careers on the line:

As a result of the Brown decision, many white politicians and ordinary citizens engaged in what they called “massive resistance” to oppose desegregation. In 1957, Arkansas Governor Orval Faubus refused to use the state National Guard to protect black children at Little Rock High School. President Dwight Eisenhower sent in troops from the 101st Airborne Division to compel local desegregation and protect the nine black students while federalizing the Arkansas National Guard to block Faubus. The Little Rock Nine attended school under the watchful eye of federal troops. The principles of equality and constitutional federalism came into conflict during this incident because the national government used the military to impose integration at the local level.

Nothing about fire hoses. Nothing about Freedom Riders. Nothing about lynching. Nothing about bombings, beatings and church burnings. But notice the shoutout to small-government principles clashing with freedom for black people.

Again, these lessons are reaching millions of children across America. Most schools and teachers are willing to take any free educational resource that allows them to stretch their meager budgets. Furthermore, most school districts don’t have the time or the manpower to closely examine every single teacher’s lesson plan.

 BRI also hosts educational seminars for teachers all over the country, instructing them how to teach history and civics. The instructional seminars can even go toward continuing education credits required in some states. Even the online lesson plans are tailored to the education standards for each state.

Combine those facts with two billionaire brothers and unlimited resources, and you get a secret brainwashing program permeating the education system. BRI funding is steadily growing, its reach is widening and American schools are increasingly underfunded—a dangerous mix that ends up in the Koch brothers’ favor.

And here’s the worst part: Even if parents examine their children’s lessons, they might not know the source of the information because the institute is geared toward teachers, not students. Even teachers whose lessons are compiled by a conservative principal or a right-leaning department head might not be aware of the content or from where the lessons originated.

To be fair, it is important for students to learn about the free market. How else would they discover that money actually can buy everything …

Including history.


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Canada: B.C. ministry releases report on rural education after being accused of burying it

América del Norte/Canada/Audrey McKinnon · CBC News

Resumen: Después de semanas de cabildeo por parte de los padres y el presidente de la Junta Escolar de Prince George, el BCMinisterio de Educación ha publicado un informe sobre la educación rural que previamente se había ocultado a la vista pública. La madre Trudy Klassen acusó al gobierno de «enterrar» el informe después de que su solicitud fue rechazada en virtud de la Ley de Libertad de Información y Protección de la Privacidad. En febrero, el Ministerio de Educación dijo que el informe estaba siendo retenido por una variedad de razones, incluida la divulgación que sería «perjudicial para los intereses financieros o económicos de un organismo público». El 9 de marzo, el informe completo se publicó en borrador y el Ministerio de Educación dijo que «siempre» había planeado publicar la información. «Tenerlo disponible para que todos lo vean es muy importante», dijo Klassen. Klassen vive en Salmon Valley, una pequeña comunidad en el norte de Columbia Británica cerca de Prince George que perdió su escuela primaria en 2010.


After weeks of lobbying from parents and the chair of the Prince George School Board, the B.C.Ministry of Education has released a report on rural education that was previously withheld from public view.

Parent Trudy Klassen accused the government of «burying» the report after her request for it was refused under the Freedom of Information and Protection of Privacy Act.

B.C. parent accuses province of burying rural education report after Freedom of Information request denied

In February, the Ministry of Education said the report was being withheld for a variety of reasons including that disclosure would be «harmful to the financial or economic interests of a public body.»

On March 9, the entire report was released in draft form and the Ministry of Education said it had «always» planned to release the information.

A draft of the Rural Education Report was released March 9, one month after the B.C. Ministry of Education said it would be withheld. (Ministry of Education)
«Having it available for everyone to take a look at is very important,» Klassen said. Klassen lives in Salmon Valley, a small northern B.C. community near Prince George that lost its elementary school in 2010.

Rural schools face many challenges

Her community participated in the creation of the Rural Education Report and Klassen looked forward to seeing how other rural communities handled the challenges schools outside of city centres face.

The report points to seven key areas in which rural schools struggle, such as having limited access to quality educational programs, difficulties with staffing and human resources, the deteriorating state of school facilities and school closures.

«This isn’t an isolated problem. It’s not a small problem,» Klassen said. «There has to be a co-ordinated cross-governmental strategy and policy changes in order for rural education to be able to thrive.»

Prince George School Board chair Tim Bennett said the report will be put to good use, now that it’s public.

«We’re just glad this report is recommending ways to ensure that schools stay vibrant in those communities,» he said.

Bennett said he will encourage the government to follow the report’s 20 recommendations.

They include developing local action plans in rural school districts to meet their needs and creating a more flexible capital funding criteria.

To see the report:


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Save the Children denuncia que la guía escolar del Gobierno Español sobre el Ejército tacha de amenaza la migración irregular


Save the Children ha denunciado este miércoles 14 de marzo que el temario escolar propuesto por los ministerios de Defensa y de Educación incluye la migración irregular entre las amenazas para la seguridad nacional e internacional y para los valores de la sociedad española.

Este documento, que es fruto de un acuerdo firmado entre los dos ministerios en el año 2015 y es todavía un borrador, consta de 240 páginas. La quinta unidad didáctica de esta última versión contempla los flujos migratorios irregulares como un peligro para la paz en España, principalmente el terrorismo, porque «ponen en peligro la vida, la libertad de expresión y opinión, la libertad de conciencia y religión», entre otros valores.

Ante la inclusión de la migración irregular entre los contenidos de dicha unidad -titulada «Amenazas que ponen en riesgo nuestros valores»-, Save the Children ha expresado su malestar y rechazo. «El sistema educativo debe transmitir los valores de acogida y no discriminación», ha señalado.

En declaraciones a Europa Press, la técnica de incidencia política en migraciones de la organización, Jennifer Zuppiroli, ha dicho que espera que «se revise» el contenido de la guía del Ejecutivo sobre las Fuerzas Armadas y que sea modificada. Así, ha expresado confianza en que la propuesta final «se aleje de la idea de que la migración es una amenaza», al tiempo que ha precisado que Save the Children no se ha planteado de momento llevar la queja a instituciones como el Defensor del Pueblo o los propios ministerios.

En opinión de la organización, es «realmente preocupante» que se quiera enseñar a los niños y niñas en el colegio «a considerar a los demás como una amenaza, y aún más si se refieren a personas que dejan su país de origen para buscar un futuro mejor». «Desde Save the Children defendemos una educación basada en la no violencia, en la que se promuevan los valores de la igualdad de sexos y culturas, el respeto, la resolución pacífica de conflictos, y que acabe con estereotipos que generan y perpetúan abusos y violencias», sostiene.

Para la directora de Sensibilización y Políticas de Infancia de Save the Children, Ana Sastre, esta unidad didáctica «promueve unos valores y contenidos intrínsecamente contrarios al modelo educativo basado en la no violencia». «No podemos aceptar el discurso de seguridad en torno a la cuestión migratoria propuesto en el temario», ha declarado, añadiendo que «las migraciones no son un riesgo para la paz y la seguridad, sino que las amenazas son justamente las causas por las que las personas migrantes y refugiadas salen de sus países».

En este sentido, Sastre ha apuntando que lo que deben conocer los alumnos es «el valor añadido que aportan las personas migrantes» en las sociedades y «bajo ningún concepto percibirlo como una amenaza».

Desde el Ministerio de Defensa han precisado que este documento es una mera orientación que ofrece a los docentes sugerencias sobre cómo abordar la cultura de la defensa si se quiere abordar esta materia, ya sea durante la semana cultural de los colegios o dentro de las asignaturas de ‘Valores’ de Primaria y Secundaria. De este modo, la decisión de incorporar al programa educativo esta guía corresponde a los centros educativos.

Este programa fue redactado por tres profesores bajo la supervisión del Centro Nacional de Innovación e Investigación Educativa (CNIIE). Entre las diez unidades didácticas del dossier se abordan asuntos como la convivencia, el respeto, la estructura de las Fuerzas Armadas, la bandera, el himno, el Rey o la unidad de España.

Además ofrece una serie de trabajos prácticos para realizar con los alumnos. Entre ellos se encuentran los himnos de los ejércitos, ideas para pintar la bandera de España o el escudo, carteles sobre convivencia o el Día de las Fuerzas Armadas.


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En Turquia: Trabajadores de la basura juntaron los libros que la gente tiraba e hicieron una biblioteca comunitaria en una fábrica abandonada

Ya cuenta con más de 4.750 obras. Los ejemplares que ya no se pueden leer son transformados en apoya libros.

¿Qué ocurre con los libros que los lectores deciden tirar para hacer hueco en sus estanterías? En Ankara, Turquía, los volúmenes abandonados reviven en las paredes de una antigua fábrica de ladrillos, conformando una sorprendente biblioteca.

Allí, un grupo de basureros de la capital turca instaló, hace siete meses, una biblioteca que cuenta ya con más de 4.750 obras, recuperadas de la basura en sus horas de trabajo.

La fábrica estaba abandonada desde hacía veinte años. Ahora, los basureros acuden allí para descansar en sus horas libres, leyendo o jugando al ajedrez.

La biblioteca, en principio, estaba pensada para que ellos y sus familias pudieran llevarse los libros a casa durante 15 días.

Pero, ahora, está abierta a todo el mundo, explica su responsable, Emirali Urtekin, que decoró su oficina con tesoros recuperados de los cubos de basura, desde revistas a máquinas de escribir.

Al menos 1.500 libros esperan todavía a ser colocados en los estantes, y las llegadas no disminuyen, agrega.

Aquí no se desperdicia nada: aquellos que ya no se pueden ni leer son transformados en apoya libros y las lámparas están hechas de antiguas tuberías de cobre.

Además de la biblioteca, los basureros han acondicionado en la antigua fábrica una barbería, una cafetería, espacios de descanso y las oficinas de los administradores del sitio.

– ‘Ideas nuevas’ –

Aquí se encuentra de todo, desde novela rosa y libros de economía a obras de terror o cuentos para niños. Los libros se clasifican en 17 categorías, aunque pronto podría haber más. La saga de “Harry Potter”, la de “Cincuenta sombras de Grey”, las novelas de Dickens, las de J.R.R. Tolkien y las del premio Nobel turco Orhan Pamuk. Todo cabe.

“Les hemos dado una segunda vida […], ahora están disponibles de forma gratuita”, se congratula Urtekin.

La biblioteca abre las 24 horas para los 700 basureros del municipio de Cankaya, gestionada por Eray Yilmaz, de 20 años, que registra meticulosamente las obras que entran y las que salen.

Según él, ya se han prestado 147 libros.

“Leer libros desarrolla la inteligencia de la gente, fomenta las ideas nuevas […]. Aquí, hacemos que la gente descubra esas ideas”, explica el joven, empleado a tiempo completo en la biblioteca. “Es algo que te hace más que feliz. También le llevo libros a mi madre”.

Malik Ercan, un basurero llegado en busca de un libro para su mujer y su hijo, le enseñó hace poco el lugar a su primo, que vive no muy lejos de Ankara. “Él es de Sivas [centro de Turquía]. Había oído hablar de ello en los diarios, quería verlo”.

“Cada vez más amigos llaman […] y dicen ‘enseñánosla, es algo muy inusual’”, añade Ercan, que lleva dos años y medio trabajando con el ayuntamiento.

– Curiosidad –

La biblioteca ha despertado mucha curiosidad, tanto en Turquía como en el extranjero, para regocijo de Urtekin, que asegura que ahora recibe más libros, y no solo gracias a la basura.

Algunos se los hacen llegar desde otras ciudades turcas, explica, mientras que hay capitalinos que los tiran ahora en bolsas de plástico separadas del resto de los desperdicios para facilitar la tarea de los basureros.

Hay quien llega hasta la biblioteca recorriendo en bicicleta el valle en el que se encuentra, por lo que Urtekin espera que, con el verano, aumenten los visitantes.

– ‘Estamos felices’ –

De momento, no hay ningún proyecto de ampliación del espacio, pero ya se están estudiando otras posibilidades para reutilizar los libros abandonados.

Así, el gerente prevé poner en marcha a partir de este año una biblioteca móvil para visitar las escuelas de Ankara cada quince días. Algunos centros escolares que no tienen libros ya han contactado con Urtekin.

Esas visitas escolares también serán musicales, con un grupo de 11 basureros que tocan música con cubos vacíos y viejos trozos de metal.

El grupo nació casi al mismo tiempo que la biblioteca, según Urtekin, con el mismo espíritu de hallar otras actividades en torno al trabajo.

“Estamos felices”, explica el gestor. “Esto nos ha dado una nueva identidad”.(AFP)


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Education leader to discuss using hip-hop culture to reach African-American students

América del Norte/EEUU/

Resumen: Gloria Ladson-Billings , presidenta de la Academia Nacional de Educación, compartirá  a las 4 pm, el miércoles 4 de abril los resultados de su investigación «Hip Hop / Hip Hope: La (R) Evolución de la Pedagogía Culturalmente Relevante» como parte de la Serie de Conferencias Edward e Ilene Lowenthal, que se llevaran a cabo en el juzgado simulado Bryan Cave de Anheuser-Busch Hall en la Universidad de Washington en St. Louis.  La investigación de Ladson-Billings examina las prácticas de los maestros que tienen éxito con los estudiantes afroamericanos. La Profesora emérita de la Universidad de Wisconsin, es muy conocida por su discurso presidencial de AERA de 2006 , «De la brecha de logros a la deuda educativa: comprender el rendimiento en las escuelas de EE. UU.» Esta Líder de opinión sobre la importancia de los métodos de enseñanza culturalmente relevantes durante 25 años, Ladson-Billings ha argumentado que la cultura juvenil es un elemento perdido que debe tenerse en cuenta al desarrollar estrategias de enseñanza efectivas para los jóvenes que luchan por tener éxito en la escuela . Su charla explora cómo la tecnología y la cultura juvenil pueden y deben revolucionar nuestras prácticas de enseñanza. La conferencia de Ladson-Billings es copatrocinada por el Departamento de Educación en Artes y Ciencias y la Ley de Interés Público de la Facultad de Derecho y Serie de Oradores de Políticas. Una recepción seguirá en Crowder Courtyard de la facultad de derecho. El evento es gratuito y abierto al público, pero se solicitan reservas. Confirme su asistencia antes del 23 de marzo. El estacionamiento para visitantes  está disponible en los talleres de Snow Way o Millbrook.

A thought leader on the importance of culturally relevant teaching methods for 25 years, Ladson-Billings has argued that youth culture is a missing element that must be factored in to how we develop effective teaching strategies for young people who are struggling to be successful in school. Her talk explores how technology and youth culture can and should revolutionize our teaching practices.Ladson-Billings’ research examines the practices of teachers who are successful with African-American students. A professor emerita at the University of Wisconsin, she is well-known for her 2006 AERA Presidential Address, “From the Achievement Gap to the Education Debt: Understanding Achievement in U.S. Schools.”

Ladson-Billings’ lecture is co-sponsored by the Department of Education in Arts & Sciences and the School of Law’s Public Interest Law and Policy Speakers Series. A reception will follow in the law school’s Crowder Courtyard.

The event is free and open to the public, but reservations are requested. RSVP by March 23. Visitor parking is available in the the Snow Way or Millbrook garages.

For more information, contact Marilyn Broughton at or 314-935-6730.


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South Africa: New scheme to boost black academics’ research capacity


Resumen: La Fundación Nacional de Investigación de Sudáfrica (NRF) y la organización de beneficio público FirstRand Foundation (FRF) se han unido para crear un programa sabático destinado a aumentar la capacidad de investigación entre académicos afroamericanos y académicos con discapacidades. «Nos estamos centrando en la brecha de subrepresentación en la academia», dijo Nqobile Gumede, director de desarrollo de la capacidad humana e infraestructura de la NRF. «Los dos grupos están subrepresentados. Aquellos que reciban las subvenciones podrán ir de año sabático y descargar sus responsabilidades de enseñanza. Los estudiantes postdoctorales obtendrán una beca de dos años y los estudiantes predoctorales una beca de tres años. »  La subvención sabática NRF-FRF está destinada a ayudar a académicos afroamericanos, particularmente académicos afroamericanos y personas con discapacidades, empleados en el público de Sudáfrica. universidades para obtener títulos de doctorado y formación de investigación postdoctoral. Durante un período de cinco años, el programa apoyará a 175 académicos, 75 de ellos de posgrado y 100 de posdoctorado.  Según el documento marco, una «barrera importante» para el avance de la investigación y la formación de postgrado en las universidades sudafricanas es la «baja proporción de personal académico con las calificaciones adecuadas para impulsar la investigación de posgrado y la creación de conocimiento». Las cifras más recientes, de 2009, muestran que solo un tercio del personal académico permanente a tiempo completo tenía un doctorado.

South Africa’s National Research Foundation (NRF) and the public benefit organisation FirstRand Foundation (FRF) have joined forces to create a sabbatical programme aimed at boosting research capacity among black African academics, and academics with disabilities.

“We are targeting the under-representation gap in academia,” said Nqobile Gumede, the NRF’s director of human and infrastructure capacity development. “The two groups are underrepresented. Those who receive the grants will be able to go on sabbatical and offload their teaching responsibilities. Post-doctoral students will get a two-year grant and pre-doctoral students a three-year grant.”

The NRF-FRF sabbatical grant is aimed helping black academics, particularly black African academics, and people with disabilities, employed in South Africa’s public universities to attain doctoral level qualifications and post-doctoral research training. Over a five-year period the programme will support 175 academics – 75 of them postgraduate and 100 post-doctoral.

According to the framework document, a “major barrier” for advancing research and postgraduate training at South African universities is the “low proportion of academic staff with the appropriate qualifications to drive postgraduate research and advance knowledge creation”. The most recent figures, from 2009, show that only a third of full-time permanent academic staff held doctoral degrees.

Another driver of the NRF-FRF partnership is the need for transformation in South African universities.

“Transformation continues to remain a critical imperative in post-apartheid South Africa, particularly considering the ethnic and gender composition of key sectors of society such as universities,” said NRF CEO Molapo Qhobela.

Of the 3,392 NRF-rated researchers in South Africa in 2015 only 26% were black, and 31% were female. The group of black NRF-rated researchers comprised 16% African, 3% coloured and 7% Indian academics and researchers. In addition, black African South African citizens made up only 6% of the NRF-rated researchers and only six of them had an NRF A-rating.

Why are the numbers so low? According to Gumede, the legacy of the apartheid era when education of black people was a low priority lingers on and the equalisation of educational opportunities ushered in by the end of apartheid in the mid-nineties hasn’t changed things overnight.

Gumede said it is estimated that it takes up to 20 years for emerging researchers to become established researchers. “So the historical legacy is still in play. Consequently, there are real challenges in terms of progress.”

The two main factors deterring full-time academic staff from completing doctoral degrees or undertaking postdoctoral research are lack of resources and high teaching loads. The latter is specifically addressed by the NRF-FRF sabbatical grant which also aims to promote the attainment of an NRF-rating by South African black African early-career academics, particularly black and female researchers, and persons with disabilities.

Two grants will be awarded annually to each university submitting applications and at least one of the two awards will be for a doctoral candidate. Given the transformation imperatives, 90% of the grants will support black Africans and 10% will support Indian and coloured academics and persons with disabilities. Fifty-five percent of all grants will be prioritised for female grant holders.

The grant has three budget categories: lecturer replacement costs to a maximum of ZAR200,000 (US$17,000); operational costs, including running expenses for materials, to a maximum of R100,000; and, for those applying for post-doctoral sabbatical grants only, an international mobility grant of R100,000.

Applicants with a disability may apply for an additional grant for assistive devices.

“These are devices needed to assist them in their research,” said Gumede. “They can apply for specific technology and each applicant will be assessed on a case-by-case basis. We have one million rand allocated over five years for this programme.”

Gumede said the NRF-FRF sabbatical grant initiative was not a response to the “revised model” for the Incentive Funding for Rated Researchers Programmeannounced last year to great consternation. This new model, which was effective from the beginning of the 2018 academic year, saw cuts, in some cases as high as 90%, to NRF grants aimed at incentivising “excellent research” in five rating categories.

“We were already in negotiations with FRF before that was implemented,” said Gumede, pointing out that the framework document is dated July 2017. “Our main aim is to support emerging researchers. It is an ongoing strategy.”

To that end NRF and FRF will equally contribute a rand for a rand over the five years, bringing the total investment in the programme to ZAR164.9 million (US$14 million). The first call for applications in August 2017 resulted in 43 fellows being awarded the grant for 2018.


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EEUU: Renowned Harvard Psychologist Says The Truth About ADHD Is Largely A Fraud

América del Norte/EEUU/

Resumen: Jerome Kagan es los psicólogos más influyentes de la 20 ª siglo, que tiene la experiencia y la autoridad moral para comparar la psicología a una pieza podrida de muebles. Un grupo de EE. UU. Los académicos clasificaron a los 100 psicólogos más eminentes del siglo XX en 2002 y colocaron a Kagan en el puesto 22, incluso por encima de Carl Jung (el fundador de la psicología analítica-23) y superior Ivan Pavlov (que descubrió el reflejo pavloviano-24). Puede ser muy sorprendente saber que él cree que el diagnóstico más moderno de TDAH es una mera invención más que una afección grave. Por lo tanto, puede ser sorprendente para usted saber que Kagan cree que el diagnóstico del TDAH (trastorno por déficit de atención con hiperactividad) es una invención que beneficia principalmente a la industria farmacéutica y a los psiquiatras. Kagan es conocido por su trabajo pionero en psicología del desarrollo en la Universidad de Harvard donde ha pasado décadas observando y documentando cómo crecen bebés y niños pequeños, midiéndolos, probando sus reacciones y una vez que han aprendido a hablar, cuestionándolos una y otra vez de nuevo.

Jerome Kagan is the most influential psychologists of the 20th century, who has the expertise and moral authority to compare psychology to a rotten piece of furniture.

A group of US. Academics ranked the 100 most eminent psychologists of the 20th century in 2002 and they put Kagan in 22nd place, even above Carl Jung (the founder of analytical psychology-23rd)and above Ivan Pavlov (who discovered the Pavlovian reflex-24).

It may be very surprising to learn that he believes that the most modern diagnosis of ADHD is a mere invention rather than a serious condition.

So it may be surprising for you to learn that Kagan believes the diagnosis of ADHD (attention deficit hyperactivity disorder) is an invention which mainly benefits the pharmaceutical industry and psychiatrists.

Kagan is well-known for his pioneering work in developmental psychology at Harvard University where he has spent decades observing and  documenting how babies and small children grow, measuring them, testing their reactions and once they’ve learned to speak, questioning them over and over again. He is an exceptional and highly-regarded researcher.

Mislabeling Mental Illness

In an interview with Spiegel, Kagan addressed the skyrocketing rates of ADHD in America. He attributes to “fuzzy diagnostic practices” and illustrated his point with the following example:

“Let’s go back 50 years. We have a 7-year-old child who is bored in school and disrupts classes. Back then, he was called lazy. Today, he is said to suffer from ADHD (Attention Deficit Hyperactivity Disorder). That’s why the numbers have soared,” says Kegan in the interview.

When asked about his opinion on the disorder, Kegan told the Spiegel that he believes ADHD  is an invention. He thinks that if a child is not doing well in school, the pediatrician gives that child Ritalin, since the cure is available to the doctors and they give the diagnosis.

According to Kagan, the fact that millions of American children who are inaccurately diagnosed as mentally ill because they think there is something fundamentally wrong with them is devastating.

Besides being a psychologist is determined to raise the alarm about this trend,  Kagan and others feel they’re up against “an enormously powerful alliance: pharmaceutical companies that are making billions, and a profession that is self-interested.”

Kagan himself suffered from inner restlessness and stuttering as a child, but his mother told him that there was nothing wrong with him, only that his mind was working faster than his tongue.

He thought at the time: “Gee, that’s great, I’m only stuttering because I’m so smart.” If he had been born in the present era, he most likely would have been classified as mentally ill.

However, ADHD isn’t the only mental illness epidemic among children that worries Kagan. Depression is another mental illness that almost started in 1987, when about one in 400 American teenagers was using an antidepressant and the numbers leaped to one in 40 by 2002.

Kegan believes that depression is also another overused diagnosis, simply because the pills are available. Instead of immediately resorting to pharmaceutical drugs, he thinks doctors should take more time with the child to find out why they aren’t as cheerful.


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