China: 15 Sri Lankan students awarded Chinese scholarships

Asia/China/31 de Julio de 2016/Fuente: New China

RESUMEN: Quince estudiantes de Sri Lanka irán a China para continuar sus estudios después de haber obtenido una beca del gobierno chino, dijo el jueves un funcionario en Colombo de Sri Lanka.Los 15 estudiantes, seleccionados de entre unos 1.000 solicitantes, han sido nominados para recibir el posgrado o becas de pregrado, en los campos de la ciencia, las artes, la gestión, la medicina y la ingeniería, DC Dissanayake, secretario del Ministerio de Educación Superior y las carreteras de Sri Lanka, dijo en un discurso de presentación de la situación general de la beca, después de la adjudicación de las becas a los estudiantes en una ceremonia que tuvo lugar en la Embajada de China en Sri Lanka. De acuerdo con Dissanayake, estos estudiantes van a pasar más de cinco años en China, en promedio, en la Universidad de Pekín, la Universidad de Zhejiang y otros.

Fifteen Sri Lankan students will go to China to further their studies after being awarded Chinese Government Scholarships, a Sri Lankan official said on Thursday in Colombo.

The 15 students, selected from some 1,000 applicants, have been nominated to receive the postgraduate or undergraduate scholarships, in the fields of science, arts, management, medicine and engineering, D. C. Dissanayake, secretary of the Sri Lankan Higher Education & Highways Ministry, said in a speech introducing the general situation of the scholarship, after awarding the scholarships to the students at a ceremony held at the Chinese Embassy in Sri Lanka.

According to Dissanayake, these students will spend over five years in China on average in Peking University, Zhejiang University and others.

«I would like to mention here that the selection process was done in a fair and transparent way and the selected candidates are the most suitable and qualified people among the applicants,» said Dissanayake.

Chinese Ambassador to Sri Lanka Yi Xianliang also attended the ceremony and jointly awarded scholarships to the students. China will extend full support to Sri Lanka in all fields including education, Yi said.

«The 15 of you are a team of ambassadors, a diplomatic corps in China. You will promote friendship and cooperation between the two sides,» Yi said at the ceremony.



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