Estados Unidos, Indonesia Strengthen Ties in Higher Education Sector

América del Norte/Estados Unidos/Septiembre de 2016/Fuente: TEMPCO

RESUMEN: Los Estados Unidos y el Ministerio de Investigación, Tecnología de Indonesia, y de Educación Superior (RISTEK dikti) llevaron a cabo un evento el miércoles 21 de septiembre de 2016, para celebrar los avances en la educación superior en Indonesia en los últimos cinco años. Aproximadamente 150 personas asistieron al evento, incluyendo el director general de desarrollo institucional Dr. Patdono Suwignjo,  Brian McFeeters, encargado de negocios en Estados Unidos,  la Agencia de los Estados Unidos para el Desarrollo Internacional (USAID) y el director de Misión Erin McKee del Ministerio. Durante los últimos cinco años,  el proyecto de la USAID ha trabajado en colaboración con RISTEK  para aumentar la capacidad y mejorar el rendimiento de 50 instituciones de educación superior de todo el país de Indonesia. USAID apoya HELM  en el desarrollo de habilidades en áreas tales como liderazgo, administración, gestión financiera, control de calidad, y la investigación, el objetivo último de proporcionar un mundo de clase, educación de calidad para los estudiantes de Indonesia.

The United States and the Indonesian Ministry of Research, Technology, and Higher Education (RISTEK DIKTI) held an event on Wednesday, September 21, 2016, to celebrate advancements in higher education in Indonesia over the past five years.

Approximately 150 people attended the event including Ministry’s director general of institutional development Dr. Patdono Suwignjo, United States Charge d’Affaires Brian McFeeters, and United States Agency for International Development (USAID) Mission director Erin McKee.

Over the last five years, USAID’s US$19 million Higher Education Leadership and Management (HELM) project has worked in partnership with RISTEK DIKTI to build capacity and improve performance of 50 Indonesian higher education institutions across the country. USAID HELM supported these institutions in building skills in such areas as leadership, administration, financial management, quality assurance, and research, the ultimate goal to provide a world-class, quality education for Indonesian students.

«It is essential to empower higher education institutions to create systems that support access to resources, networks, professional development, and management. These systems are critical to improving the quality of higher education in Indonesia,»Patdono said in a press release received by Tempo on Wednesday, September 21, 2016.

McFeeters said that the changing economic landscape in Indonesia requires an educated and skilled workforce that is well-adapted to a knowledge-based economy.

«The United States is proud to partner with the Government of Indonesia in initiatives ranging from innovative research, expanding access to high quality basic and vocational education, to strengthening the higher education system,» Mcfeeters added.

In the period of 2011-2016, USAID HELM has crafted programs attaining a number of achievements, including helping 1,561 study programs in universities to be accredited with ranking A or B, based on the data published by the National Higher Education Accreditation Body (BAN-PT).

«USAID is honored to be able to hand over the USAID HELM achievements to our Government of Indonesia partners today. We hope our investment over the past five years have further empowered higher education institutions to provide students with a world-class education,» said USAID mission director Erin McKee.


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