Jordan signs agreement with Germany worth 10 million euros to finance education projects

Jordania/Noviembre de 2017/Fuente: Xinhuanet

Resumen: Jordania y Alemania firmaron el domingo un acuerdo de subvención adicional por valor de 10 millones de euros para financiar la Fase II del Programa de Construcción de Escuelas bajo el Plan de Respuesta de Jordania (JRP). La subvención, que forma parte de los compromisos de 2016, tiene como objetivo financiar la segunda fase del Plan de Construcción Escolar para construir nuevas escuelas públicas, y ampliar y proporcionar mobiliario y equipos a los existentes en las comunidades anfitrionas de refugiados sirios. La primera fase se firmó el 31 de julio de 2017 con un valor de 19 millones de euros. El proyecto surge como parte de los compromisos asumidos durante la Conferencia de Londres sobre el apoyo a Siria y la región en 2016.

Jordan and Germany on Sunday signed an additional grant agreement worth 10 million euros to finance the School Construction Programme Phase II under the Jordan Response Plan (JRP).

The grant, which is part of 2016’s commitments, aims to finance the 2nd phase of the School Construction Plan to build new public schools, and expand and provide furniture and equipment to existing ones at Syrian refugees host communities.

The 1st phase was signed on July, 31, 2017 with value of 19 million euros. The project comes as part of the commitments made during the London Conference on supporting Syria and the region held in 2016.

During the signing ceremony, Minister of Planning and International Cooperation Imad Fakhoury said that the programme is among the priorities of the Jordan Response Plan to the Syrian crisis, and will contribute to implementing the Education Ministry’s plan on addressing the impacts of the Syrian crisis on education in the Kingdom and improving the quality of education provided to the Syrian and reducing overcrowding at schools.


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