Rwanda: Religious Leaders Urged On Sex Education

10 JUNE 2016/ 

ResumenLos líderes religiosos y representantes de las escuelas han sido llamados a reforzar los esfuerzos en la enseñanza de la sexualidad integral entre los jóvenes. El llamado fue hecho por el Ministro de Estado para la educación primaria y secundaria, Olivier Rwamukwaya, ayer, en una reunión sobre el papel de las organizaciones basadas en la fe en la promoción de la educación sexual integral en Ruanda. La reunión, en Kigali, se produce después de la educación sexual integral se incluyó en el nuevo plan de estudios basado en competencias como parte de los esfuerzos para ayudar en la detención de los embarazos no deseados y la propagación de enfermedades de transmisión sexual entre los jóvenes estudiantes

Religious leaders and representatives of schools have been called upon to beef up efforts in teaching of comprehensive sexuality among young people.

The call was made by the Minister of State for Primary and Secondary Education, Olivier Rwamukwaya, yesterday, at a meeting on the role of faith-based organisations in the promotion of comprehensive sexuality education in Rwanda.

The meeting, in Kigali, comes after comprehensive sexuality education was included in the new competency-based curriculum as part of efforts to help in stopping unwanted pregnancies and the spread of sexually transmitted diseases among young learners.

It was noted that most young people, especially teenager,s lack adequate knowledge to help them make safe and responsible choices about their sexual and reproductive health.

«Young people nowadays lack adequate information to enable them make a smooth transition from childhood to adolescence and then adulthood. This leaves the majority of them potentially vulnerable to abuse, exploitation, unwanted pregnancies and HIV/AIDS and this might lead to dropping out of school in one way or another,» Rwamukwaya said.


Imagen tomada de:–follow-proceedings-during-the-meeting-yesterday-at-Lemigo-Hotel.jpg

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