UNRISD: Institutional Strategy 2016-2020.

UNRISD is actively seeking support to be able to continue its work, guided by a new Institutional Strategy 2016-2020.

The current fundraising environment is a difficult one. UNRISD’s model of voluntary donations from governments for institutional support, supplemented by project support from bilateral and multilateral organizations and foundations, is no longer sufficient. Reserves have been exhausted, and funding levels are now at crisis point.

UNRISD must diversify its fundraising portfolio, and I have taken the decision to seek funding from individuals who share our views and values.

I wanted to inform you of this new direction in financial support. If you know such individuals please pass this message on to them, tell them about why you value UNRISD and how its work has been important to you, and encourage them to visit the Support UNRISD page.

Yours sincerely,
Paul Ladd, Director

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