Reino Unido: Brexit and Robots Mean Trouble for UK’s Future

Europa/Reino Unido/02 Enero 2017/Fuente y Autor: sputniknews

Resumen: La inminente secesión de la Unión Europea y el aumento de la robótica y la automatización hacen que el Reino Unido se enfrente a una década de bajo crecimiento, pérdida de empleos y la ampliación de la desigualdad de ingresos.

Impending secession from the European Union and the rise of robotics and automation mean the UK faces a decade of low growth, job losses and widening income inequality, a report has forecasted.

The Institute of Public Policy Research (IPPR) report offers an ominous prognosis of the UK’s near-term future, dubbing Brexit the «firing gun» on a decade of disruption. In years to come, an ever-accelerating wave of socioeconomic and technological change will reshape the country, in often «radical» ways, the think tank foresees. In the meantime, the report suggests that outside the EU, the average British household will be £1,700 (US$2,085) poorer annually.

Ominous prognoses riddle the report. As the UK population grows, the UK is set to age sharply, and become increasingly diverse; the 65+ age group will grow by 33% by 2030, to 15.4 million — while the working population will increase by just two percent.

Robert Bischof, an advisory board member of the Official Monetary and Financial Institutions Forum, told Sputnik the projections weren’t surprising.

Brexit, he says, does nothing to solve the decade long decline in industrial performance, the productivity gap, the dependence of GDP growth on debt fueled consumer spending and government deficits, a growing current account deficit and high youth unemployment because of poor education and skills training. In fact, it exacerbates these issues.
It’s not just the UK that faces serious challenges in future.

Climate change, biological degradation and resource depletion mean countries everywhere will increasingly run up against the limits of the physical capacity of the Earth’s natural reserves.
​By 2030, robots or smart machines will have on average an IQ higher than 99 percent of humans. These innovations will displace many forms of work, with 60% of retail jobs (2 million) destroyed by 2030.

He added that stagnation was the «new normal», and the UK is likely to remain trapped in a low-growth, low-interest-rate state for years to come, with weak investment, weak labor power, high levels of debt, and the headwinds of a slowing global economy.

«Without reform our political and social system will struggle to build a more democratic, healthy society in the decades ahead, even as Brexit accelerates us towards a radically different institutional landscape.

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