EEUU: Our Current Education System Is Designed Based On False And Fuzzy Knowledge; And It Needs To Be Redesigned.

EEUU – New Jersey/April 11, 2017/By Sajid Khan/Source:

Our education system will have to be redesigned to shift the focus from teaching emotional intelligence to creating emotional health.

Our experts are trying to understand and solve problems by crunching false data.”

— Sajid Khan, Defining Wisdom Correctly is the First Step to a Wise Society.
The number 1 fundamental problem begins with the premise that wisdom, which in science terms is emotional intelligence; is an independent and stand-alone entity. Thus wisdom education is designed to teach wisdom knowledge directly. It is the same as trying to create smoke without lighting fire. Wisdom is the smoke where emotional health is the fire.

The number 2 problem begins with not having a clear definition of the human mind. Our experts are so very ignorant of what the mind is; that there is no topic mind in High School Psychology textbooks! The ‘I’ in me and the ‘you’ in you is the mind. The self-image is the face of the mind/’I’. Improve the self-image to improve the mind. Measure the self-image to measure the mind. Know the self-image to know the mind. Define your self-image to define your mind.

The number 3 problem is our experts treating the brain and mind as the single entity of the mind. The brain and mind are two separate entities, and yet the brain is below the radar screen of our experts. Thus brain education and mind education are lumped together as just mind education. As a result, we have 44,000 books on wisdom and yet not one makes us wise. It is because all these books try to teach the mind wisdom but when the brain is wired to generate ignorance; then it is the brain that needs healing.

Imagine trying to understand and solve problems by crunching false data. We are doing the same when trying to address the ills of society. America is the land of opportunity for economic success but it also produces a lot of emotional stress and tiredness. Our experts try very hard to figure out and bring pure happiness and deep physical relaxation to every home. As their work is based on false data it is like we need to go South and they direct us North. Nothing will change unless we take the first step of defining wisdom, emotional intelligence, emotional health, mind, and brain correctly.

By creating emotional health, all the attributes of wisdom including pure happiness will generate effortlessly.

Our education system will have to be redesigned to shift the focus from teaching emotional intelligence to creating emotional health. We will need to create universal Wise Parenting for the young and Brain Therapy for the old. We will need to create a whole new profession of Brain Healers and a brand new subject of Brain Education.
Sajid Khan
4th R Foundation
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