UNICEF joins tech giants in artificial intelligence group

América del Norte/EEUU/Prensa UNICEF


UNICEF se une a la Asociación para la Inteligencia Artificial (IA) fundada por Amazon, Apple, Google / DeepMind, Facebook, IBM y Microsoft, a través de la asociación de la Oficina de Innovación de UNICEF, con el propósito de establecer colaboraciones para escalar el uso de la IA para el bien social a través de soluciones innovadoras a los retos humanitarios en beneficio de los niños.  Con ello se espera que a través de colaboraciones con empresas de tecnología tecnólogos de datos de UNICEF pueden utilizar AI para resolver los problemas sociales. Un ejemplo de esto es la plataforma Caja Mágica, que reúne datos de los socios como IBM, Google, Amadeus, y Telefónica para informar en tiempo real la toma de decisiones en situaciones de emergencia como terremotos e inundaciones.

UNICEF joins the Partnership on Artificial Intelligence (AI) founded by Amazon, Apple, Google/DeepMind, Facebook, IBM and Microsoft.

Through the partnership UNICEF’s Office of Innovation will forge collaborations to scale the use of AI for social good through innovative solutions to humanitarian challenges to benefit children.
Through collaborations with tech companies UNICEF data technologists can use AI to solve societal problems. An example of this is the Magic Box platform, which pools data from partners like IBM, Google, Amadeus, and Telefonica to inform real-time decision-making in emergencies like earthquakes and floods.

Chris Fabian, Senior Advisor, Ventures, UNICEF Innovation said, “UNICEF has always been an organization driven by data – and the capacity to process and learn from the massive amounts of data that exist around us will let us work to improve the life of every child.

“We are in a position where we can connect the needs of the world’s most vulnerable children to the capacities of the most advanced technology.

“We believe that machine learning and the future of AI will help us address globally relevant issues like the spread of disease, responses to climate change and disasters, and the uncertain future of jobs and employment.”


Notes to Editors:

UNICEF promotes the rights and wellbeing of every child, in everything we do.  Together with our partners, we work in 190 countries and territories to translate that commitment into practical action, focusing special effort on reaching the most vulnerable and excluded children, to the benefit of all children, everywhere.

For more information about UNICEF and its work for children, visit www.unicef.org.
For more information about UNICEF Office of Innovation visit www.unicefstories.org and @unicefinnovate
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About The PAI
The Partnership on AI to Benefit People and Society (Partnership on AI) is a not-for-profit organization, founded by Amazon, Apple, Google/DeepMind, Facebook, IBM and Microsoft.  Our goals are to study and formulate best practices on the development, testing, and fielding of AI technologies, advancing the public’s understanding of AI, to serve as an open platform for discussion and engagement about AI and its influences on people and society and identify and foster aspirational efforts in AI for socially beneficial purposes. We actively designed the Partnership on AI to bring together a diverse range of voices from for-profit and non-profit, all of whom share our belief in the tenets and are committed to collaboration and open dialogue on the many opportunities and rising challenges around AI.

Full list of partners

AI Forum of New Zealand (AIFNZ), Allen Institute for Artificial Intelligence (AI2), Centre for Democracy & Tech (CDT), Centre for Internet and Society, India (CIS), Cogitai, Data & Society Research Institute (D&S), Digital Asia Hub, eBay, Electronic Freedom Foundation (EFF), Future of Humanity Institute (FHI), Future of Privacy Forum (FPF), Human Rights Watch (HRW), Intel, Leverhulme Centre for the Future of Intelligence (CFI), McKinsey & Company, SAP, Salesforce.com, Sony, UNICEF, Upturn, XPRIZE Foundation and Zalando.

For more information, please contact:
Ms Gbolayemi (Yemi) Lufadeju, UNICEF New York, Tel: +1 917 213 4034, glufadeju@unicef.org

Fuente: https://www.unicef.org/media/media_95995.html

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