Global Partnership: Welcome to GPE 2020 GPE launches new strategic plan 2016 to 2020

Fuente: Global Partnership / 9 de junio de 2016

The Global Partnership for Education (GPE) is the only multilateral organization exclusively dedicated to ensuring that all children in the poorest countries have access to quality education.

Our GPE partnership includes 65 developing countries, over 20 donor governments, civil society organizations, private foundations and companies, teacher organizations and international organizations.

GPE 2020, our new strategic plan guiding us over the next five years, was developed in direct response to the United Nations Sustainable Development Goals which were unanimously adopted by the world community in September 2015.

Global Goal 4 commits us to ensuring equitable, quality education for all.

Focus on quality education and equity for all children

We at GPE are determined to embrace this goal and its mandate and enhance our organization to pursue and fulfill these critical objectives.

GPE 2020 requires GPE to embrace a step-change in its focus to ensure quality and equity in education – not just access to education.  To strengthen our systems both internally and in the delivery of our programs.  To be data-based and results-driven in everything we do. It is pegged to a solid results framework through which we will track our progress.

GPE’s vision is to ensure inclusive and equitable quality education and promote lifelong learning opportunities for all.


GPE’s mission is to mobilize global and national efforts to contribute to the achievement of equitable, quality education and learning for all, through inclusive partnership, a focus on effective and efficient education systems and increased financing.


GPE’s goals are:

  • Improved and more equitable learning outcomes
  • Increased equity, gender equality and inclusion, and
  • Effective and efficient education systems

Supporting the poorest countries

GPE supports the poorest countries with the greatest education needs. This includes countries with high numbers of out-of-school children and low school completion rates. 43% of GPE’s 65 developing country partners are considered fragile or conflict-ridden.

The core work that we do is to help these countries address their challenges by strengthening their education systems.

We use results-based financing with the release of 30% of each education grant contingent upon countries achieving agreed-upon results in equity, learning and system efficiency.

Since 2002, GPE has allocated $US4.4 billion to support education in developing countries. Today, we are one of the largest international funders of basic education in low- and lower-middle income countries.

Building on solid results

GPE 2020 builds on a solid record of success. GPE’s and our partner countries’ investments in education has delivered substantial gains:

  • In GPE-supported developing countries, the number of out-of- school children of primary school age fell by 13 million between 2002 and 2013.
  • The primary school completion rate in GPE-supported developing countries has increased from 63% in 2002 to 72% in 2013, with the increase mainly occurring in fragile and conflict-affected states.
  • 31 GPE developing country partners have achieved gender parity in primary education or have more girls than boys in school.
  • 69% of girls in GPE-supported countries completed primary school in 2013, up from 56% in 2002.

Our financial support for the world’s poorest countries is contingent on measurable, demonstrable results: education systems that are effective and educate their children.

Our commitment to the children of the world

We are on the right track. But there is so much more to do, which is why our Board of Directors, following a year of intensive discussion and consultations with all of our constituencies, has embraced this strategic plan to guide us for the next five years.

GPE 2020 is our path forward to ensuring that every child can fulfill their right to a quality education.

In the spirit of the UN’s Global Goals, GPE 2020 is our commitment to ourselves, our partners and the world community.

We invite you to join us in the cause of ensuring quality education for all.

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