international Symposium on the Measurement of Digital Cultural Products, 9-11 May 2016

The UIS in collaboration with the Observatoire de la culture et des communications of Quebec is bringing together experts and researchers from around the world to examine the issues, methods, practices and innovations in the production of statistics on digitised cultural products.

International Symposium on the Measurement of Digital Cultural Products

9-11 May 2016

Registration is now open!


Digital technology is driving radical change in the creation, production and dissemination of cultural products and services. Meanwhile, traditional instruments and methodologies used to analyse changing cultural markets no longer provide adequate data necessary for policymaking in the culture sector.


To address this challenge, the UIS in collaboration with the Observatoire de la culture et des communications of Quebec, is bringing together experts and researchers from around the world to examine the issues, methods, practices and innovations in the production of statistics on digitised cultural products.


The International Symposium on the Measurement of Digital Cultural Products will take place from 9 to 11 May 2016 at the Université de Montreal, HEC.


Among the objectives of the meeting will be to identify new indicators and innovative ways of producing cultural statistics, to contribute to the establishment of new standards and international norms for the production of official statistics, and to strengthen links between stakeholders in order to develop a coherent international approach.


Additional resources:
Overview of the International Symposium on the Measurement of Digital Cultural Products (PDF), available in English and French

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